Friday, February 11, 2011

Arizona vs The U.S.

   As most people are aware, Arizona is causing a big controversy with its' proposed immigration laws.  The article basically says that Arizona is suing the U.S. for failing to keep the illegal immigrants out.  Arizona is alleging that because the U.S. fails to do their job, their state has to pay the repercussions.  Also Arizona is stating that the U.S. Government is basically falsifying numbers to try and show that they are doing a good job.

  I think that this is a very touchy subject and there are always two sides to every argument.  Personally i feel like its very hard to say who is right and who is wrong.  Being an immigrant myself, i can relate and understand the position of the immigrants.  The immigrants are opposed to this idea because most of them are just trying to improve the quality of life.  I'm sure that the conditions and opportunities are far greater here than in there respective countries.  On the other side of the coin, i can also relate to the opposing side because where do you draw the line and say enough is enough.  It is sickening to read stories about illegal immigrants committing murders and other illegal activities and then escaping back to their own countries.  It is really hard to comprehend what the victims go through and we should try our best to not let this happen.  

This is worth reading because this may directly or even indirectly affect someone you know.  Although it is just Arizona, for now, this can cause a domino effect and more states might try to impose this.  When it is blown to a national scale, things might turn a little ugly.

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