Friday, May 13, 2011

Classmate Blog Commentary

I read Jasmine's blog about Osama Bin Laden and thought i would comment on it.  After carefully reading her blog i can see that Jasmine is pretty passionate about this particular subject.  I think she could have had stronger arguments then just saying i don't think Osama was planning any attacks.  Maybe provide hard facts that people can see because it would be much more persuasive.  I totally understand Jasmine's point of view in this matter and i do agree, to a point,  but i think there are some aspects that she did not bring up in her blog.  The U.S. went after Osama because he was a threat but also for the planned attacks that were already carried out.  9/11 was a day of tragedy for many Americans as well as the world.  I still remember watching it on the news and thought, there's no way that this sort of thing happens in real life.  Jasmine is portraying Osama as an old individual that is not capable of much. Osama changed many lives that day and it can never be forgiven.  Yes it is not fair for people to celebrate someone's death but is it also fair for a murderer to live his life peacefully without any repercussions? I think if Jasmine tried to show both sides a little bit more clearer, her argument could have been better.  I feel like that the U.S. could have maybe not killed Osama but have taken him in alive.  I do think Jasmine has good points in saying we should not celebrate death but for this particular case i can understand why certain people do.  I did not know anyone directly that died from 9/11 but i'm sure people who are feel much more differently then i am. 

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